Look at Their Faces…

Through a FOIA request to the Maryland Racing Commission, I have confirmed the following kills at that state’s tracks thus far this year.

Amani’s Eagle, Jan 12, Laurel R (euth Jan 13)
“Horse pulled up lame near the 1/2 pole and was vanned off. Radiographs the next day indicated a comminuted fracture, severe fraying, and [two] ruptured ligaments.” Also: “degenerative joint disease [all four limbs].” Then this: “The degenerative joint disease that is present in the fetlock joints is common in racehorses this age.” What age? Amani’s, below, was six – about the age a horse reaches full musculoskeletal maturity.

Tuna N Stamps, Jan 13, Laurel R
“Broke down around 3/8 pole: LF fetlock open and completely disarticulated, with [multiple] comminuted fractures and complete disruption of intersesamoidian ligament; RF fetlock also open with a very deep rundown. Euthanasia performed on the scene.” Also: “degenerative joint disease [all four limbs].” Tuna, below, was four years old.

Federal Offense, Feb 16, Laurel R
“Horse pulled up grade-4 lame past the wire. Radiographs showed catastrophic comminuted fracture of MT3, four large pieces.” Also: “degenerative joint disease [all four limbs]; stomach ulcers.” Federal Offense was four years old.

Going to the Lead, Apr 7, Laurel S (full necropsy not yet available)
“Horse was treated throughout the day on the 6th. Late that night, horse was reported very painful. He was again treated and progressively got worse. Euthanized.” Going to the Lead was seven years old and had been raced 51 times, most recently Mar 24.

Mr. McMahon, Apr 14, Laurel T (full necropsy not yet available)
“The colt was galloping and was injured near the 5/8ths. Euthanized on the track.” Mr. McMahon was three years old.

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  1. Oh my gosh! Sickening. Absolutely pathetic horse racing continues. Disgusting. What other “sport” would tolerate this?

  2. Technically, everyone who is not opposed to this heinous exploitation of horses for racing and wagering handle is for, or supports, this egregious cruelty and abuse of horses.
    A person becomes responsible to know things at a certain age. At that age, ignorance is no excuse.
    Since it’s legal to become a jockey at the age of 16 years, I’m going to say everyone at the age of 16 years old and older are technically responsible for this egregious cruelty.
    For anyone who doesn’t have any first-hand knowledge or experience with horses, that person would still be responsible, if they willfully chose to be ignorant.
    There’s a certain point where ignorance is no longer an excuse for abusing horses or for allowing the abuse of horses or for supporting the abuse of horses.
    This exploiting of horses for racing is absolute cruelty to horses no matter what the people in this despicable industry say. They are full of disgusting and vomit worthy excuses.
    You know there are some of these people in racing who admit that you can’t have horse racing without having a certain percentage of dead horses. They know it’s cruel and deadly, and they continue to engage in this sadistic cruelty to horses for money.

    • Ignorance is NEVER an excuse. You can always educate yourself.

      The look of abject misery permanently frozen on the faces of those poor horses is absolutely heartbreaking.

      • I agree except I don’t think that children under a certain age should be held accountable for what adults are doing.

  3. Now, I have to comment here, and although I greatly respect and admire Wanda Diamond’s passion for the horses, and her strong commitment to shutting down this horrid industry – and keep in mind, this is coming from a former horse player who gambled on thoroughbred horses every day on tracks all across the country for many years- but Wanda, you’re way off base here.

    If I read you right, you are saying is that everyone in the country over 16 years of age who does NOT actively support your point of of view, and, even teenagers who may have never seen a horse race in their life, or even has any IDEA about this ‘sport” – are just as guilty and just as responsible for the horrors of the industry as – say, for example – Bob Baffert.

    AND if I’m reading you wrong – tell me so.

    But otherwise, nope, I ‘ain’t’ buying that. You are espousing a radical and contrived viewpoint that makes no sense since your are pre-judging a group of people, basically everyone over the age of 16 who doesn’t agree with you – as guilty and fully responsible for the death and torture of racehorses around the world when many of these people know absolutely nothing whatsoever about horse racing – nor do they even care to be involved in the game! Particularly teenagers. I used to ask the teen-age kids of some of my buddies if they wanted to go to the track, The inevitable response –


    Almost all teen-agers have no interest in racing, and that’s a GOOD thing. These are not future bettors. These are kids who will probably grow up and not ever want to gamble at all. These innocent people are NOT the folks you should be targeting in your quest to eliminate horse racing. The people you need to target, quite frankly, are people just like ME – hard core bettors, whose life is racing, […..WAS, thank you] who actively support it with their constant wagers, who keep the sport alive. Yeah, I used to think, oh, those ‘crazy animal activists’ are at it again’, whenever I saw you at the track protesting -until I woke up. I woke up because I was proven that I was cheated, so I decided to investigate further. It was then that I found that there really IS a horrid, dark underbelly of mayhem, torture and murder of these wonderful animals, AND on a regular basis. So I quit, and I will never return.

    So dial it back at bit, Wanda, as this kind of rhetoric and radical thinking will only turn people off who may be “on the fence’ about quitting their interest in horse racing, and that runs counter-productive to your ultimate goal – to get people out of the game for good.

    All the government subsidies in the world won’t support horse racing if there are no more bettors.
    THAT’s your target – and that is what will, eventually kill the sport for good.

    • We think she mean`t the 16 year old participants who can be jockeys at such a young age & others who are young workers at the tracks too. Have always thought it crazy that someone could be allowed to ride racehorses at such a young age that are capable of galloping at 40mph! We did not ride our 1st thoroughbred at speed until we were in our 20`s when were much more mature but still really unaware of the dangers to horses & others including ourselves.

  4. People who are actively involved the ‘sport’ of horse racing, sooner or later will come across the atrocities that abound in our “sport” every day. Those who turn a blind eye to it, yes, are morally culpable, regardless of their age. But most people outside either the industry, or outside the ranks of the animal activists really have no clue . Nor do they want to. But once again, its those already in the industry such as the active bettors as well as the ‘seasonal’ fans i.e., people who bet the Kentucky Derby once a year – who need the wake-up call about the horrendous nature of this game.

  5. Joe, I personally thought you overreacted to what I said, but then I realize that I may not have made myself clear. I think we agree for the most part. People do need to be educated on how much suffering is inflicted on horses.

  6. Absolutely, no question.

    The industry itself knows full well the inherent horrors in horse racing and they MUST do their best to “deflect and deceive” since they are ALSO aware that they have no real defense to the constant, never-ending deaths and injuries that occur on a daily basis.

    I never saw such “spin’ in reporting anywhere as I see in horse racing, but, again, they really have no defense. I left it, I’m glad, and I do my level best to convince my former fellow bettors that even if they don’t believe [or care] abut the welfare of the horses, they’re being scammed every time they place a bet.

    I am of the opinion that it doesn’t matter WHY you quit betting on horse racing – as long as you do quit!

    • I personally believe that everything matters! Of course, some things matter more than certain other things.
      Animal Welfare issues matter a great deal! It matters if people care about being kind to animals especially since, in horse racing, the horses need people that care about their welfare to speak on their behalf. Obviously, the horses themselves don’t have powerful political action committees that can lobby for better living conditions or better treatment.
      Horses are sentient beings, not automobiles or machines. The fact that horses are treated like machines (by people) in so many ways is absolutely despicable. Watching other people engage in the mistreatment of the horses doesn’t say anything good about the people who choose to ignore the horse’s need for compassion.

  7. Until now, it honestly hadn’t occurred to me they would do thorough; on the operation table style of autopsy into reasons for death. Particularly not when the horse clearly clean broke it’s leg. I’ve just looked up our Rules for Australian Racing and couldn’t find anything to do with post mortems. It is possible they adhere to the IFHA ruling but couldn’t find it in writing.
    International Federation of Horseracing Authorities:
    A Principles of Good Practice for racecourse and veterinary equine emergency care procedures:
    ‘It is desirable that post mortem eaminations be performed on all horses that die or areeuthanised as a result of a racing incident. Racing authorities should develop protocols for decision making as to whether or not a necropsy should be conducted, taking into account the nature and location of the racecourse, the proximity of a facility capable of conducting an equine necropsy and whether or not there was associated human injury or death.
    Further on under ‘Emergencies During Training’: Postmortem blood and or urine samples or other body fluids or tissues for the presence of prohibited substances.

  8. Where is the empathy in horse racing…..Horseracing wrongs are doing it right. state gaming commissions must dust themselves off and present a new comprehensive plan..get going.

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