Write Those Letters

The following LTE was published in the Daily News Saturday. (The death toll, by the way, likely comes from our work – see recent ad.) Thank you, Kiley. Write those letters.

Brutal Entertainment
Tuckahoe, N.Y.: A pitiful, frightened bull recently ran into the stands at a rodeo, trying to escape from his torturers, and accidentally injured people who shouldn’t have been there anyway. In 2024, it’s time people educated themselves about the blatant, shameful abuse of animals in rodeos, horseracing and the like. Information is easily accessible online with details and photos. Otherwise peaceful bulls break bones, are hit with electric prods and die at rodeos. New York’s open data website lists every equine “breakdown” (injury) and death – more than 1,000 racehorse deaths in this state alone. And no, the racehorse industry does not have a retirement plan – well, not for horses anyway. These sentient, intelligent beings are not “animal friends” or “working companions,” as animal purveyors state. Stop contributing to the lies of exploiters who profit off the suffering and death of silent victims while relying on spectators’ blinders. – Kiley Blackman

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    • That obnoxious rodeo took place in Sisters, Oregon. My state! Rodeo sadly is very popular here & is in every county fair type event except a couple of fairs that are located in city urban environments. I wish that rodeos would be banned & eliminated along with horse racing too.

      • The news of the bull jumping the fence into the crowd was more impactful with the video and more highlighted than the winning horse of the Belmont Stakes (from my perspective); both events happened on Saturday, June 8th.

  1. Hey New York..start spreading the news of the atrocities found in horseracing. If that isn’t fodder enough, add the wasted monies going to subsidize this business rather than needed funding for your state.

    • Yes indeed, can’t wait to see the big, empty stands at Belmont after they spent millions to refurbish it. But at least it will cause the demise of Aqueduct, so at least one will be gone…

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