At Least Three Horses Injured in Starting Gate at Churchill

From the stewards at Churchill…

May 9:
“Idalou was injured in the starting gate, scratched.”

May 10:
“The claim [sale] of One Sharp Tiz was voided when horse was placed on Vet’s List.”

May 11:
“The claim of St. Armands Key was voided when horse was placed on Vet’s List.”

“He’s Elusive was injured in the starting gate, scratched.”

“Gal Capone was injured in the starting gate, scratched.”

May 12:
“The Reds was pulled up and required the assistance of the vets and the horse ambulance. Two claims that had been submitted for the horse were voided. It was later reported that the horse had been transported to a clinic for evaluation. Report is pending.”

“The claim of Runningforjoy was voided when horse was placed on Vet’s List.”

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  1. I wondered about The Reds. I am fairly certain we will never get an update from the stewards or anyone else.

  2. THE REDS was born on May 17, 2018 and he is/was a gelding. I agree with you, Marie. It is highly unlikely that anymore information will be disclosed about him since he was taken to an off track location, supposedly “a clinic” that may or may not be the Rood & Riddle clinic. His “evaluation” COULD be something like this: 1) He is a gelding therefore he has $000,000.00 value as a stud, 2) His injuries are such that the owner doesn’t want to spend $X,XXX + to save his life, 3) The owner didn’t buy him to be a disabled pasture pet, 4) Euthanasia of THE REDS will be the least costly option for the owner. 5) Remember, it’s a business.

    • Yes, remember also that racing is a ” crooked , crummy , Gamboling game business. The only motto for racing is $$ at all others expense & lives & injuries. This applies both to the horses & yes unfortunate workers in this business. We feel for these workers almost equally for the poor horses. Many times the workers have no other industry willing to hire them as workers because of their differences. We know. We have been there. LIFO business accounting principles apply to more than just equipment & inventories too. We have been the participants of the ” Last in First Out ” principle of employment all of our lives. In many respects the economy of today does not work for many people.

      • If the United States Department of Agriculture disclosed the identity and other information on racehorses tagged and chipped for shipping to slaughterhouses in Mexico, Canada and whatever other country, that would be something. Then we would have more of a picture of what happened to so many horses bred into this crooked and crummy gambling racket that were culled into the Unwanted category.

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