“Jogged Back and Unsaddled, Collapsed and Died” – Two Years Old

Through a FOIA request to the California Horse Racing Board, I have obtained the following details on 4 of that state’s 64 kills last year (previous ones here).

Resurrected Noble, Jun 17, Golden Gate S
“Severe cellulitis of RH limb of 10 days duration, with two perforated skin ulcers. Laminitis of the LH hoof, [with] severe rotation of the distal phalange, tip pressing the sole.” Then this: “This horse has a history of chronic dorsal metacarpal disease [and had] shock wave treatment of both metacarpals on May 27.” Resurrected Noble was just three years old. Now go back and re-read his death.

Cheap Cheap Cheap, Jun 24, Pleasanton R
“[Multiple] complete, comminuted fractures; [multiple] tears; severe soft-tissue hemorrhages.” Also: “marked palmar osteochondral disease; severe stomach ulcers.” Cheap Cheap Cheap was just five years old.

Action for Autism, Jul 2, Pleasanton R
“Catastrophic breakdown – multiple displaced, comminuted fractures.” Action for Autism was just three years old.

Apollitical Jet, Oct 30, Los Alamitos R
“Jogged back and unsaddled – collapsed and died. Most likely, acute heart failure.” Apollitical Jet was just two years old – an equine babe. “Acute heart failure.”

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    • James, I was an avid gambler on horse races for many years and while previously, I might’ve taken umbrage at your comments, sadly, the truth hurts – and can no longer be ignored..

      However, I no longer wager on horse races, and strongly urge others to follow my lead.
      For the general public, and, of course, the horses, it’s a hurtful and losing proposition all around.

  1. horse racing produces horses who are on deaths door at the race, they are drugged so much their systems cant handle it

  2. The pain Resurrected Noble endured had to be excruciating, between his cellulitis, ulcerations, and laminitis. Plus shock treatment to mask other injuries just to keep him running for one more paycheck.
    These parasites disgust me beyond words…..that I can use on this forum.

  3. What did/do the members of the California Horse Racing Board have to gain by the inhumane treatment and eventual killing of horses? They’re in violation of California Code § 1902.5.Animal Welfare.

    • I think it’s clear that animal welfare laws don’t apply to the racing industry. I have yet to hear an explanation as to why.

      • This Animal Welfare code does apply to horseracing in the State of California, however, the CHRB has “discretionary powers” to apply(?) the laws to only certain trainers and/or others.
        There is one specific example of how and when the CHRB applied the violation of § 1902.5.Animal Welfare in the case of Michael Pender in 2019.

      • Fox watching the henhouse. Racing participants tasked with policing racing is completely absurd.

  4. So here’s bo derek (the ‘actress’) in a nutshell ….scrubs all posts from the time her namesake horse snapped both front legs off. But ….replaces said tweets with old timey tweets about killed people in military from wars of president (GWB)she wholeheartedly supported. Geez, bo derek ….Y.O.U. supported the Iraq war,just like your tweets you scrubbed about your namesake horse. Seems to EVERYONE you promote things that cause harm and death, and then try to post twitter crap about oh pray for and blah,blah,blah. Unless it’s horses …in that case, you just scrub your twitter. Can these hollywood cornballs get even more phony and twisted? ….no.

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