High School Students Weigh In

As I’ve oft said, the younger generations, as a rule, “get it.” From birth, they have had information at their fingertips. And there is no better catalyst for change, for moral progress, than (factual) information. So while I am greatly heartened by these recent letters to the editor from high school students, I am not in the least surprised. A warm thanks to these brave young adults.

To the editor:

Horse racing has become a sport in which the horses are indisputably born to die. The “sport” is now a source of entertainment for onlookers who are too blind to see the real truth about horse racing.

I am writing as a high school student at Pittsfield High School. I realize I am not quite able to vote, but I will be soon enough. As a proud member of the Defenders Club at Berkshire Humane Society, I believe that the horse racing industry should no longer be supported by anyone.

Over 1,000 horses die every year on the race track and these numbers are no surprise to the horse racing industry. Even more are euthanized at a trainer[‘s] farm, training facilities or due to “training deaths.” It is sickening to me that people are letting this happen right under their noses, but they choose not to care at all. Some injuries can easily be treated or fixed with time, care, and compassion, but the injured horses are seen as useless debt, so the easiest, and least expensive choice is to euthanize the poor horse.

So all I ask you to not attend any horse racing function because it would be a sign that you find entertainment in the horses’ misery. Please educate your friends and your family about the truth of horse racing.

Senate bill S.101 and House bill H1.3 would allow a license issued over 20 years ago by the Racing Commission to operate as permission for the return of racing to Great Barrington Fairgrounds. This would strip the community of the right to vote. How can we let this happen?

Elodie Theriault,
The Berkshire Eagle, September 20, 2019

I am writing as a high school student at TEC Connections Academy, but also as a concerned member of my community. I realize I am not quite able to vote, but I will be soon enough. As a member of the Defenders club at Berkshire Humane Society, I believe NOT supporting the horse racing industry is incredibly important.

Horse racing is no longer the “sport of kings” it used to be. It has instead become a sport of corruption, bribery, fraud, greed, and a complete lack of ethics for animals.

Did you know that over 1,000 horses died last year on the racetrack? That number does not even include the deaths of horses after they were euthanized at the trainer’s farm or private training facilities, what they refer to as “training deaths.” Never mind the horses that were sent to slaughter in other countries after failing in the industry. Where is the accountability for these animals? If dogs or cats were being treated in this same fashion wouldn’t the pubic want justice for the animals?

Senate Bill S101 and House Bill H13 allow a license issued over 20 years ago by the Racing Commission to operate as permission for the return of racing to Great Barrington Fairgrounds. This would strip the community of the right to vote. How can we let this happen in our community?

Lena P. DuPont
The Berkshire Edge, September 20, 2019

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  1. Let’s have these fine young students spread the word about their concerns. Yesterday there was the global demonstration re the state of the environment run by the youth. Quite the amazing display. There is no telling what the young people of our century can accomplish.

  2. Bravo, young people for expressing your distain of the horse racing industry. While it is an adult only sick sport, it is refreshing to hear teenagers speaking out against such a heinous activity. It gives me hope, that your generation is standing up for what is right and wrong, and that maybe someday soon, legally killing horses for entertainment and money will end. Shame on those on exploit and treat such lovely animals in inhumane ways. Oh but wait —- it is humans who are imposing these practices, so maybe the word “inhumane” has a different meaning. We are living in very scary times. Please continue to shout out for the Devine Equine!
    May The Horse Force Be With Us, Nicki Lucas

  3. I heard this recently and WOW, it was a new way of looking at the way we humans, treat our beloved animals….There was a verified report of UFOs and the government wondered if we should reach out to communicate with them. One of the reasons they chose not to was because a high official voiced the fear that they, being more powerful than us….might decide to overtake the human race and treat us the way we treat our animals….I, for one, would like to see us do completely away with horse racing….and not use animals for human entertainment in any way!

  4. As a horse lover and previous adopter of retired race horses I agree it is a horrible murderous sport and must be stopped. Lets have people races and shoot them when they break a leg. I have adopted horses off the track and have nursed them back to health and they became great pets. They don’t deserve this.

  5. YES — these smart, young people will surely force this vile business to shut down —- let’s ensure this message reverberates throughout.

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