Dead Racehorses in California, June 2017

Dead Racehorses in California, June:

unidentified (probably Back Again, race 7), June 2, Los Alamitos
Individual Design, June 3, Santa Anita, race 2, “injured, euthanized”
unidentified, June 1-June 4, Santa Anita
unidentified, June 6-June 11, Los Alamitos
Ethan Leave Her, June 19, Oak Tree, “sudden death at Golden Gate Fields barn area”
unidentified, June 19-June 25, Santa Anita
unidentified, June 19-June 25, Santa Anita

(source: California Horse Racing Board)

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  1. The CHRB, in conjunction with Magna International (Frank Stronach) who owns Santa Anita will eventually be held accountable in a court of law for deliberately eliminating the names of the racehorses dying in the dirt there.
    You wait and see – their time will come.
    It’s against the law to deliberately hide PUBLIC information from the public which is exactly what they are doing.
    They are also protecting the connections of the racehorses which is clearly a collaboration of false information to the wagering public, and public at large.
    The deliberate elimination of Race Replays that show racehorses dying is an additional piece of the puzzle.
    Their time will come, and they will be SUED into the ground, and the money will be used to shut it down.
    They will be held legally accountable for their private death camps on Magna owned racetracks.

  2. How many horses must die until they (you) do something??? It’s too hot, they shoot them up, beat them to death! Or if not that they beat or starve them later! These horses don’t have a chance under these conditions ! STOP THESE HORSE RACES NOW!!! ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ ! Bless their souls!

  3. This blog provides the death facts, but we know that the life of a racehorse leading up to their death is one full of cruel, abusive,and inhumane treatment.
    The mandatory operating procedures of whipping/beating, doping, maiming, dumping, and/or dying is applied to all racehorses, at all levels, during their active racing.
    This is part of the “royal” treatment that apologists often refer to.
    If they make it out alive many continue to be exploited by this business.

    Take for example champion mare Zenyatta.
    Her owners, Jerry & Ann Moss, claim to “love” her like their own child.
    It was just announced that 13 year old, multimillionaire Zenyatta has been confirmed in foal for the 6th time!!
    No pleasant grassy paddock retirement for her as the Moss team has turned her into a breeding machine.

    The life of a broodmare is horrible, and it doesn’t matter if it’s on a multi-million dollar farm or in a field.
    These mares are forcibly bred year in and year out with probes going up their vagina constantly.
    Their reproductive parts, now money making machines, are turned inside out by this industry from continuous invasive procedures that are usually preceded with dope.
    With every new foal the reproductive system is being stretched beyond its limit.
    Moreover, the foal is ripped away from them when being weaned and the bond is broken resulting in crying out for each other for days.
    When the broodmare is no longer reproductive viable then many are dumped at the kill auctions as they account for a high percentage of horses who end up on the slaughterhouse floor.
    The broodmares literally carry this business, and give their lives for it.
    Is that how Jerry & Ann Moss would treat their “child?”
    Shoving her into a block to be repeatedly impregnated so they could glow at the grandchildren?

    • Wow dramatic much. Lol! Of course they’re weaned. Should the baby live with the mother forever. It’s not a child it’s a horse. Who will go on to live a productive life. And it’s really not that dramatic breeding mares. You should probably worry more about people overbreeding than horses. It takes all of 30 seconds to ultrasound a mare and know if she’s infoal. Way less intrusive than what women go through when they’re pregnant. And my mares are quite content living on grass eating to their hearts content with a baby by their side. I can guarantee you zenyatta wants for nothing. You would be better spent putting your worries towards poor children in the foster system.

      • My choice to focus on racehorses is none of your business, and it certainly doesn’t make the ongoing exploitation of broodmares any less.
        If your so concerned about poor children in the foster system then have at it!

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